Whenever you eat Moonacres produce, you can be confident that everything in the chain has been looked after and treated ethically – from the soil, to the truck driver who delivered it. And that’s what makes Moonacres produce taste so good.

Our Farm
We aim to produce the best quality food in a manner that nurtures the land. We humbly accept that farming is, by its very nature, hard. Weather, weeds, pests, machines and even best laid plans, will sometimes turn sour and crops will fail. But this is part of our job, and we are committed to working with nature, not against it. Doing this, we enrich rather than rob our environment – and our collective future.
Our produce has won numerous awards and is favoured by some of Sydney’s top chefs at restaurants such as Don Peppino’s, Lankan Filling Station, Fred’s, Ragazzi, Poly, Moxhe, Firedoor and Clove Lane. We are also favoured by some of our regional favourites including Babyface Kitchen in Wollongong and The Press Shop in Bowral, as well as Birch and The Wine Mosaic Lounge in Moss Vale.

Try our produce
If you live in the Southern Highlands and would like to enquire about getting Moonacres organic fruit and veggies delivered directly to your door, please call Lisa on 0429 852 198 or send us your details – noting you’re interested in produce delivery – on the ‘Contact’ page.
We Supply
We’re honoured that a number of clever chefs love to use our produce – and we love seeing how what we’ve grown, ends up on their plates. We supply through Sift Produce and Ooooby.
For all enquiries for Sydney restaurants please contact Sift Produce.
Our Family

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